课程名称:《HB Kids英语故事儿歌》全90集MP4英文启蒙动画视频
《HB Kids英语故事儿歌》是一套非常不错的英语动画教学视频,包含了英语儿歌、真人教学等多种形式,共90集,6大阶段,15集为一个阶段,单词量和复杂程度都会逐步提高,帮助孩子自发性的主动学习,不断强化学习效果。
《HB Kids英语故事儿歌》全集90集,MP4视频格式,1280×720高清画质,共3G。
文件目录- 01.My family is sleeping.mp4
- 02.My Baby Brother.mp4
- 03.Family Vacation.mp4
- 04.Hide-and-seek.mp4
- 05.Look at My Picture.mp4
- 06.Long and Short.mp4
- 07.Kids_’ Fashion Show.mp4
- 08.Getting Dressed.mp4
- 09.Too Big, Too Small.mp4
- 10.Ten Skiers in a Row.mp4
- 11.Shape Galaxy.mp4
- 12.Color Magic.mp4
- 13.Do you see Missy.mp4
- 14.Good Morning, Farmer Bob!.mp4
- 15.Animal Circus.mp4
- 16.The Toy Store.mp4
- 17. Christmas.mp4
- 18. Living Toys.mp4
- 19. Fat Jake.mp4
- 20. Baking a Cake.mp4
- 21. Grandma_’s Kimchi.mp4
- 22. The Missing Belly Button.mp4
- 23. Building a House.mp4
- 24. Where do you live.mp4
- 25. Wagon Race.mp4
- 26. Town People.mp4
- 27. Kid Town.mp4
- 28. Fido_’s Adventure.mp4
- 29. Ten clowns in a car.mp4
- 30. The Lazy Bird.mp4
- 31. My Day.mp4
- 32. What Day Is It.mp4
- 33. What Time Is It.mp4
- 34. The Four Seasons.mp4
- 35. The Balloon Ride.mp4
- 36. I Like Today’s Weather.mp4
- 37. My Secret Friend, Sally.mp4
- 38. A Snowy Day.mp4
- 39. My Baby.mp4
- 40. The First Day of School.mp4
- 41. Puppy Feelings.mp4
- 42. The Jealous Boy.mp4
- 43. The Birthday Wish.mp4
- 44. The Dinner Party.mp4
- 45. Party Manners.mp4
- 46.Thank you.mp4
- 47.My new friend.mp4
- 48.School rules.mp4
- 49.Getting a shot.mp4
- 50.Jay goes to the doctor.mp4
- 51.Mom is sick.mp4
- 52.Welcome to funland.mp4
- 53.The roller coaster ride.mp4
- 54.I love these games!.mp4
- 55.Trading.mp4
- 56.The birthday present.mp4
- 57.Pants for a giant.mp4
- 58.Travel the world.mp4
- 59.Island trip.mp4
- 60.Dad, what are you doing.mp4
- 61.Under the Sea.mp4
- 62.The Life of Salmon mp4.mp4
- 63.Beach Fun.mp4
- 64.Lands of the Earth.mp4
- 65.Mountain Life.mp4
- 66.Thirsty Lizzy.mp4
- 67.What Is in the Clouds.mp4
- 68.Where Is Rain From.mp4
- 69.Air Sports.mp4
- 70.Earth and Space.mp4
- 71.The Solar System.mp4
- 72.The First Man on the Moon.mp4
- 73.A Day without Machine.mp4
- 74.Bill’s Robot.mp4
- 75.Trip to the Future.mp4
- 76.A sport for Amy.mp4
- 77.How can I get first place.mp4
- 78.What sport uses these things.mp4
- 79.I wonder what it is.mp4
- 80.Sing in a chorus.mp4
- 81.Sounds around us.mp4
- 82.Saving money.mp4
- 83.The history of money.mp4
- 84.I can find it!.mp4
- 85.Incredible Structures.mp4
- 86.Greetings from around the world.mp4
- 87.Festivals of the world.mp4
- 88.Junktown and ecotown.mp4
- 89.The magic recycling box.mp4
- 90.A letter from the earth.mp4